Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Supplement to Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death"

Hello everyone,

I know that this supplement is a little over due, and I apologize for that. Now, that I know how to successfully upload an image, and I can add what I wrote and analyzed in weeks prior. (I know, it is "lame" that someone like me did not know how to do something so simple, but now I have learned from my fellow decepticons and I promise I will not be "behind" anymore.

Here is a sketch representing Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death”. The image displays the protagonist in how he resembles the Red Death with his dagger and appearance. The protagonist has almost met his demise, as he is presented as a skelaton running away from the black chamber and time, which is monitered by the ebony clock on the west wall. In this, the image displays the protagonist’s revellers, who have already met their demises, while the protagonist tries to escape his fate by repressing his mortality.

Love A, an ultimate decepticon

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