Thursday, September 30, 2010

tell-tale heart questions

1.) Discuss who could be the villain (antagonist) in Tell-Tale Heart? Consider your many options for the villain and discuss your rationale for your final choice.

In my opinion the eye is the ultimate villain. The eye causes the man to feel the strong urges of anger and the uncomfortable feeling. The man thinks he is doing something good by destroying the eye because he has such hatred for it that he feels that killing the eye will put the end to all of his misery.

2.) What is the narrators motivation in reciting the crime? Consider the details he provides as he recites the crime from the beginning to the end.
            The narrator cause for killing the eye is motivated by anger and hatred. Which to an outsider could seem crazy. After all people cant just go around killing other people because they irritate them.  The narrator does not want you to think he is crazy but to understand why and how he did it, so that you don’t judge him by his actions but by his logic behind the murder.  

3.)What is the ultimate irony in Tell-Tale Heart and how does it relate to the title of the story?

            The ultimate irony is that the man spends so much time and works on all the little details into the planning of his perfect murder that he never stops to think about how he might feel after he had executed his plan. In the end his guilt gets the bet of him when he cant stop hearing the “heart beat of the old man” that he confesses to the crime.   


1 comment:

  1. 2.) I agree! The narrator's just trying to get people to think he's not insane. But his life doesn't turn out to be so bro in the end...
